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Identify the team

Sometimes using the terms like “Project Team� seems too much intimidating. For implementing Alt, you will need the below key roles:

a. Project Manager/ Functional Consultant

b. Implementation Consultant

A project manager/ functional consultant is the one who leads the implementation project and also understands the organization’s business processes and helps mapping them to Alt. For large scale projects, it is possible to have the project manager and functional consultant as different point of contact.

Some key KRAs for a functional consultant/ project manager will be as mentioned below –

a. Identify business requirements and map them to Alt Worklife application functionality.

b. Identify functionality gaps and develop solutions for them.

c. Document application set-ups.

d. Support clients with the execution of test scripts.

e. Develop end-user documentation and training materials.

f. Deliver end-user training.

g. Experience with the business processes in Alt Worklife HCM modules

h. Strong written and oral communication skills.

i. Strong interpersonal skills.

j. Ability to work well in a team environment.

k. Self-motivated and able to plan work effort and manage priorities.

l. Keen attention to detail.

The person designated as the implementation consultant manages the day to say Alt configurations. He/ she is the SME/ certified specialist for implementing Alt Worklife. It’s also a good idea to have the implementation consultant involved during the project.

Sample implementation structure has been explained below which can be adopted by the partner in order to have smooth project implementations.